艺术家向军简介 Brief Introduction of Artist Xiang Jun 向军,四川达州人,现居四川成都,自幼酷爱书画艺术,硬笔毛笔二者兼之,坚持临池不辍,喜帖学传统功夫,继承有创新,气韵有骨力,超类脱俗,作品屡见于各类报刊,杂志,网络,多次参展并获奖。 Xiang Jun, a native of Dazhou, Sichuan Province, now lives in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. He loves painting and calligraphy since childhood. He is good at both hard-pencalligraphy and Chinese brush calligraphy. He insists on practicing calligraphy after traditional models for decades as well as inherits and innovates calligraphy to form his own super-ordinary style with strong charm. His works are often seen in various newspapers, magazines and networks. He has participated in many exhibitions and won many prizes. 与《变脸》著名歌唱家陈小涛老师合影留念 (Picture with Chen Xiaotao, a famous singer with the work "Changing Face") 与《绿狗》《桃花》著名画家周春芽合影留念 (Picture with Zhou Chunya, a famous painter with famed works "Green Dog" and "Peach Blossom") 与著名巴蜀笑星巴登老师合影留念 (Picture with the famous Bashu Laughing Star, Mr. Baden) 与国乐大师方锦龙合影留念 (Picture with Guyue Master Fang Jinlong) 与《朱德》特型表演艺术家王伍福老师合影留念 (Picture with Wang Wufu, a special performance artist of Zhu De) 品鉴荣宝斋古书画 (Xiang Jun appreciates Rong Baozhai's ancient paintings and calligraphy) 向军在高校教授国际友人书法课 (Xiang Jun teaches calligraphy lessons to international friends in Universities) 与尼泊尔前总理国际交流活动 (International exchanges with the former prime minister of Nepal) 四川大学经济学院博士论文答辩会 (Doctoral dissertation defense meeting of Sichuan University School of Economics) 高校教授国际友人书法课 (Xiang Jun teaches calligraphy lessons to international friends in Universities) 西南财经大学研究生院博士后进站/出站报告会 (Post-doctoral Inbound/Outbound Report Conference of Graduate School of Southwest University of Finance and Economics) 与成都军区原副司令员陈世俊中将(原13军军长)等将军们笔会 Calligraphy Activities with former deputy commander of Chengdu Military Region, Lieutenant General Chen Shijun (former 13 army commander) and other generals 与原省长宋宝瑞合影留念 (Picture with former governor Song Baorui) 原南京军区司令员向守志上将100岁书法遗作(四川达州宣汉人) (Former commander of Nanjing Military Region Xiang Shouzhi's 100-year-old calligraphy legacy (comes from Xuanhan town, Dazhou city, Sichuan province) 与成都军区原副政委张少松中将(原成都军区军纪委书记,87岁)书法作品合影留念 Picture with Lieutenant General Zhang Shaosong, former deputy political commissar of Chengdu Military Region (former Secretary of the Military Discipline Commission of Chengdu Military Region, 87 years old) 与中国画院曾来德院长合影留念 (Picture with President Zeng Laide of the Chinese Academy of Painting) 与中央美院原副院长叶毓中老师合影留念 (Picture with Ye Yuzhong, Former Vice President of the Central Academy of Fine Arts) 与著名奥运冠军张山(飞碟)合影留念 (Picture with famous Olympic champion Zhang Shan) 与著名经济学家向松祚教授合影留念 (Picture with Professor Xiang Songzuo, a famous economist) 省美食家主席李树人(书法家),省美食家执行主席麦建玲(女) Li Shuren, Chairman of Provincial Gourmet (also a alligrapher), and Mai Jianling, Executive Chairman of Provincial Gourmet (the female one) 与省市领导及书画家们亲切交谈 (Conversation with provincial and municipal leaders and painters) 著名画家徐鸣老师题字赠书 (Famous painter Xu Ming inscribed a book as a gift to Xiang Jun) 与《周恩来》特型表演艺术家刘劲老师合影留念 (Picture with Liu Jin, a special performance artist of Zhou Enlai) 向军御品斋书法作品赠复星系满天星同事 (Giving Calligraphy Works to colleague) 作品欣赏: 第七届兰亭书法家二等奖(向军) 荣获第七届兰亭书画家二等奖,书画作品多次被书法第一网等刊录,佳作经常作为礼品赠送给各国友人,长期致力于高校外国留学生硬笔毛笔书画等教学,为“一带一路”国际化弘扬并传播中华文化努力做贡献。曾入选国礼艺术家,并入选2019全国书画大师数据库,被评为“中国杰出艺术家”以及“2019百强最具收藏价值作品艺术家”,1000位名家1000幅佳作庆祝建国70周年助推《中华优秀传统文化传承发展工程》。 He won the second prize of the seventh Lanting calligraphers competition. His calligraphy works have been published in the first net of calligraphy many times and been presented as gifts to friends from all over the world. He has been committed to teaching hard-pen calligraphy and Chinese brush calligraphy to foreign students in Chinese universities, which greatly contributes to the internationalization of "one belt and one road" and the dissemination of Chinese culture. He was selected as an artist of National Rites and was included in the National Masters of Calligraphy and Painting Database of 2019. He was named "China's Outstanding Artist" and “the Most Valuable Artist of the top 100 in 2019”。 He participated in the activity of 1000 famous artists celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic with 1000 masterpieces, which promotes the Project of the Inheritance and Development of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture. 向军书法参展作品《朱德元帅》 Marshal Zhu De, an exhibition of military calligraphy 向军书法作品《功夫》 Xiang Jun's Calligraphy Works Kung Fu 《万马奔腾,百业俱兴》 "Ten Thousand Horses Pentium, All Businesses Prosper" 向军硬笔书法作品 Xiang Jun's Hard-pen Calligraphy Works 《厚德》 Hood 《家》 Home 《厚德》《天行健》 Hood and Skywalk 向军书法创作《福如东海》 Xiangjun's Calligraphy Creation "Furu Donghai" 印章《中华国礼》 Seal "Chinese Rites" 第七届兰亭书法家(向军) The 7th Lanting Calligrapher (Xiang Jun) 全国书画大数据库 National Big Database of Calligraphy and Painting 书画润格 Runge painting and calligraphy 与省诗书画院,省市书协、省市美协主席、副主席等100多位书画家齐聚西岭参加:传承杯/西岭乎风书画启动仪式并合影留念…… With the provincial poetry and painting academy, the provincial and municipal calligraphy associations, the chairman and vice-chairman of the provincial and municipal art associations, more than 100 calligraphers and painters gathered in Xiling to attend: Inheritance Cup/Xiling Yufeng Calligraphy and Painting Initiation Ceremony and take pictures together… |