

四川文化网 2019-11-29 09:51 1391人围观 艺术动态

现在高峡把这些自己的视觉日记要呈现给大家了,我们一下子就被带入进去,和他一同感受到了大自然回馈给我们的,不是自然本身,而是自然被画家再一次地创造了新的美妙,透过这些美妙的画面,我们呼吸着自然和风景,心 ...

Gao Xia: the Artist Reflected in His Own Paintings
Wang Chunchen
Professor at China Central Academy of Fine Art, Ph. D. Superviser
  高峡这些年来画风景,画出了心得。这个心得是常说常新的心得,即为什么要画风景的心得。风景绘画,或者说是面对风景去进行写生的绘画,是一种怎样的绘画呢?它是那么明确的一种绘画练习,既要练眼睛观察,也要练手的娴熟, 然后是练眼睛和手的相合相应,因为不是眼睛看到就能用手画出来,而手头画出来的也不都是眼睛看到的。
  After all these years’ painting, Gao Xia has achieved deep understanding about why to paint a landscape. What is landscape painting? It’s an exercise for eyes and hands;  it’s the achievement of coordination between eyes and hands because you can’t paint with your hands alone nor with your eyes alone.

  这个看似悖论或是绘画的现象说明了这之间的一种内在逻辑。高峡就是奔着这种矛盾的逻辑而去的,他走南闯北,不仅在游走中国各地,还远赴异国他乡, 去画风景,画不同景致的风景。我们看到他的这些年积攒下来的作品,很多都是这样旅程的记录,是这样的密集的风景写生创作中,他积累了一种世界观,一种可以让他综合中国绘画美学与欧洲风景美学之间的关联,但又不失为他的重新解读。

  This is the logic of painting. This is also the logic Gao Xia follows while painting. He travels all over, not just in China, but also overseas and paints while he travels. All the works we are seeing today are works from his travels. While painting prolifically for many years, Gao Xia has formed his own world view, which is more than a combination of Chinese traditional paintings philosophy and European landscape philosophy, it’s his own interpretation.

  If a painter just follows the method of traditional Chinese painting, it will become classic Chinese landscape painting; but Gao Xia didn’t do it this way, he brought a Chinese painting attitude into modern landscape painting. He doesn’t pursue so-called freehand brushwork painting, he sketches based on the subject - not just painting the traditional landscape, but uses his eyes to capture the structure and space of a scene. All this requires self-awareness and sharp observation. Therefore, when he’s ready to paint, it’s not a simple record of what his eyes see, which is the job of a camera.

  所以,高峡启悟了自己要从古典的美学观察法里走出来,不能画风景画的是古山水——这是很多人去画风景的时候还是背着《芥子园画谱》的影子去的,那还画什么劲啊。于是,高峡要挣脱,要让眼睛真实的说话。这就是现代风景写生所要求的的:画自己,画内心的感受。那么,难道中国古典山水不是画内心吗? 当然是,而是非常是,但问题出在今天的画家去看风景还带着古典的图式和语言形式,这样就违背了去写生的真实性,它练就的不过是再重复一遍古山水的图式和构成。但高峡很清楚对景写生又不是模仿西方风景画,也不是模仿印象派风景画,他是杂糅了古典美学的自我感悟体验、结合上现代风景绘画的简洁明快的风格,写意结合了表现,具象但不是具体,写实但不是描摹,它在似与不似之间, 但又不是抽象地描绘。所以,高峡是完全以内心的感悟去画,这是好简单的道理, 但问题的关键是感悟得到位,能够在笔下表现出来,看得不烦,画得不累赘;重要的是与所去的风景地有关联,但不是照相风景。

  Gao Xia realized that he had to discard the perspective of traditional Chinese painting, he refuses to paint the classic old style landscape paintings - as many people still imitate “The Painting Manuel of the Mustard Seed Garden” when painting landscape. Therefor, he wants to break away, he wants to tell the truth he sees. This is what modern landscape painting is about: paint what you feel, paint what your heart tells you. Then here is the question: aren’t Chinese classic paintings about what you feel? Yes, of course, but the question is that many painters today still apply the traditional Chinese landscape painting method, which departs from the realism of a life sketch, it’s just simple reworking of the traditional painting. Gao Xia understands that life sketch of scenery is about not imitating Western landscape painting, nor is about imitating the impressionists’ paintings, it’s the combination of self- expression and realization combined with the simple and clean style of modern landscape paintings; freehand brushwork and refined technique, detailed but not overwrought, realistic but not imitative. Gao Xia paints not the landscape in front of him, but the landscape of his ideals, offering us deeper connection to the subject than a simple photograph ever could.

  It’s obvious that Gao Xia’s paintings reflect his inner world, his emotion, his mood and his viewpoints. It seems easy to create landscape paintings, but actually it’s not. Many landscape paintings look similar even though they are created by different painters. It shows how hard it is to maintain a personal style in the art of painting. This is what Gao Xia did over all these years: no matter how many places he’s been to, there is always something which belongs to him, these are his paintings.

  Now, Gao Xia is presenting his visual diary to us, we are deeply absorbed into his world: the world is not just about nature, but the magnificent world he has recreated. We breath in his nature and scenery, we walk through the streets, roads, forests, mountains and waterside pavilions, we are totally captivated.
  2019 年 11 月 26 日 北京
  Nov. 26, 2019Beijing

原作者: 王春辰 来自: 四川文化网