"同舟共济" 中欧抗疫绘画作品邀请展 "TOGETHER" China-Europe Anti Virus Art Exhibition 时间 | Duration: 2020/04/07 - 2020/04/16 地点 | Venue:: 成都文殊坊刘存厚公馆 Liu Cunhou Mansion, Wenshufang, Chengdu 线上展览 | Online Exhibition: “有山在线”平台 / YS-online platform 主办 | Host: 成都市美术家协会/ Chengdu Artists Association 承办 | Undertake: 四川宗德文化艺术有限责任公司/ Sichuan Zongde Culture and Art Co., Ltd. 协办 |Cohosts: 成都市青羊区美术家协会/ Chengdu Qingyang District Artists Association 成都维岸画廊有限责任公司/ Chengdu VA Galleries Co., Ltd. 成都有山文化传播有限公司/ Chengdu Youshan Culture Communication Co., Ltd. 成都恒杰文化传播有限公司/ Chengdu Hengjie Culture Communication Co., Ltd. 学术主持 | Academic Host: 陈荣 Chen Rong 策展人 | Curator: 邓良军 Vincent l.J. DENG 欧洲艺术家 |European Artists 意大利Italy: 吉拉尔多.罗.卢梭 Gerardo Lo Russo 法国France: 柯恺乐 Ga l de Kerguenec 德国Germany: 阿门.格沃彦 Armen Gevorgyan 匈牙利Hungary: 阿提拉·珂纽Attila Konnyu 瑞士Switzerland: 安东尼奥?威利 Antonio Wehrli 中国艺术家 | Chinese Artists: 香港Hong Kong 欧阳应霁 Auyeung Ying Chai 重庆Chongqing 庞茂琨 Pang Maokun 侯宝川 Hou Baochuan 翁凯旋 Weng Kaixuan 张春新 Zhang Chunxin 杨涪林 Yang Fulin 刘 影 Liu Ying 四川Sichuan 梁时民 Liang Shimin 杨梁相 Yang Liangxiang 刘正兴 Liu Zhengxing 王吉祥 Wang Jixiang 姚叶红 Yao Yehong 李青稞 Li Qingke 张国平 Zhang Guoping 张国忠 Zhang Guozhong 武海成 Wu Haicheng 邝明惠 Kuang Minghui 罗 徕 Luo Lai 李 晖 Li Hui 钱 磊 Qian Lei 陈志才 Chen Zhicai 熊 明 Xiong Ming 吴晓毅 Wu Xiaoyi 吴晓东 Wu Xiaodong 叶 莹 Ye Ying 杨志立 Yang Zhili 陈 荣 Chen Rong 陈 江 Chen Jiang 钟永平 Zhong Yongping 展 序 “同舟共济”出自《孙子·九地》,与德国谚语“Wir essen aus einer Schlüssel.”(直译过来是我们在同一个碗吃饭)异曲同工,都是人类命运共同体最好的印证。 2020年新冠肺炎席卷全球,疫情飞速发展,局势日益变幻,各国人民都在以不同形式、不同程度地与新冠肺炎进行抗争,世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞表示,此次疫情是一场“全球危机”,需要全球共同应对。他呼吁各国首脑:“战斗、战斗、全力战斗、拼命战斗。像生死攸关一样战斗,因为确实攸关生死”。是的,这是一场战争,但是是少有的全球性、且不是人与人的战争,是人类共同面对危机的战争,包括中国在内的全世界,医生、护士、公职人员等各界人士,在自己的专业领域,用奉献利他的精神,奋战在抗疫的一线,涌现出了许多的时代英雄。在这次抗疫战争中,成都市坚守了主阵地,四川大学华西医学院专家驰援武汉凯旋而归,收拾行装又远赴意大利罗马,极强的韧性和组织应变能力展现得痛快淋漓! 1950年11月,为纪念在华沙召开的世界和平大会,毕加索欣然挥笔画了一只昂首展翅的鸽子,著名智利诗人聂鲁达为画作取名“和平鸽”,和平鸽也因此被世界公认为和平的象征。 1955年,中国艺术家齐白石领衔创作《和平颂》,被世界和平理事会授予年度“世界和平名誉奖章”。 今天,中国与欧洲的艺术家们,在面对这次“全球危机”,用他们在艺术领域的专长、对人文艺术的追求,去探索、记录和思考,并期望以此能稍慰身处困境的你我,并给予再次启程的力量。 今次《同舟共济》中欧抗疫绘画作品邀请展,一经构思就得到川渝两地艺术名家大鼎力支持,奉献艺术家在抗疫战争中的思考与力量,邀请一经发出,也得到意大利、法国、瑞士、匈牙利和德国的知名艺术家的纷纷响应,在逾百年的刘存厚公馆,呈现一场中欧艺术家携手抗疫的艺术交响。 最后,以古罗马哲学家塞涅卡(Lucius Annaeus Seneca)名言“ Siamo onde dello stesso mare, foglie dello stesso albero, fiori dello stesso giardino”(我们是同一片大海的海浪,同一棵树上的树叶,同一座花园里的花朵),寄望世界早日回归宁静,全人类同舟共济创造美好未来。 是为序。 策展人 邓良军 / 今日美术馆发展理事 Exhibition Preface: "Sharing weal and woe" comes from Sun Tzu?Jiudi, similar to the German proverb "wir Essen aus einer Schl ü ssel." (literally, we eat in the same bowl), it is the best proof of the common destiny of human beings. In 2020, COVID-19 swept the world, the epidemic was developing rapidly, the situation was changing day by day, people of all countries were fighting against new crown pneumonia in different forms and degrees. Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that the epidemic is a "global crisis" and needs a joint response from all spheres. He urged G20 leaders to fight, unite, and ignite in order to contain the spread,because it's really about life and death. "In this anti epidemic war, Chengdu City held its main position, and experts from West China Medical College of Sichuan University came back from Wuhan with great success, they packed up and went to Rome to support Italy. Chengdu shows its strong toughness and organizational capability. It's a rare global war, not a war between people. It's a war in which people face crises together. All over the world, including China, doctors, nurses, public officials and other people from all walks of life, in their professional fields, with the spirit of dedication and altruism, fight in the front line of the anti epidemic, and many heroes of the times emerge. In November 1950, in order to commemorate the world peace conference held in Warsaw, Pablo Picasso drew a pigeon with its head held high and wings spread. The famous Chilean poet Pablo Neruda named the painting "peace pigeon", which is also recognized as a symbol of peace in the world. In 1955, Famous Chinese artist Qi Baishi, led the creation of "Ode to peace", which was awarded the world peace honorary Medal of the year by the world peace council. Today, Chinese and European artists are facing the "global crisis", using their expertise in the field of art and their pursuit of Humanities and arts to explore, record and think, hoping to comfort you and me in trouble and give us the strength to start again. Once conceived, the exhibition was greatly supported by famous artists from Sichuan and Chongqing. It was dedicated to the thinking and strength of artists in the anti epidemic war. Once the invitation was sent out, it was also responded by famous artists from Italy, France, Switzerland, Hungary and Germany. In Liu Cunhou mansion with a history of more than 100 years., it presented a Sino European The art show of fighting the epidemic together.? Finally, in the famous words of the ancient Roman philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca, "Siamo ONDE dello stesso mare, foglie dello stesso Alberto, Fiori dello stesso Giardino" (We are waves of the same sea, leaves of the same tree, flowers of the same garden), hope that the world will return to peace as soon as possible, and all mankind will work together to create a better future. Curator, Mr. Vincent L.J. DENG Chief executive officer of Hong Kong VA Galleries Trustee of Development Council, Today Art Museum 感 言 庞茂琨 Pang Maokun 中国美术家协会副主席,四川美术学院院长,重庆文联副主席,重庆美术家协会主席。 Vice chairman of China Artists Association, President of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, vice chairman of Chongqing Federation of literary and art circles and chairman of Chongqing Artists Association. “抗击新冠疫情是全世界人类共同面对危机的战争,全世界的医生、护士用奉献担当的精神,奋战在抗疫的一线,涌现出了许多的时代英雄。我们应该团结起来,尽自已所能支持和赞美这些英雄们,用艺术来表达我们对他们的敬重!” 梁时民 Liang Shimin 中国美术家协会理事,四川省美术家协会主席,中国美术家协会策展委员会委员,中央文史研究馆书画院研究员。 Director of China Artists Association, chairman of Sichuan Artists Association, member of exhibition planning committee of China Artists Association, researcher of calligraphy and Painting Institute of the Central Research Institute of literature and history. “庚子新春,一场突如其来的疫情狂虐中华大地,在党中央领导下,中华儿女万众一心迅速投入到新型冠状病毒肺炎的防疫阻击战中,这是一场没有硝烟的战争,中华儿女众志成城团结一心,在很短的时间从全国各地汇聚上万名医学专家、白衣天使、人民子弟兵和各界志愿者来到武汉,筑起了一道抗疫的万里长城。仅仅短短两个多月,我们国家在抗疫战争中就取得了阶段性的胜利,虽然我国的疫情得到了控制,但目前在世界各地的疫情还很严重。这是一场世界范围内的病毒蔓延,星球是一个命运共同体,只有同舟共济共同抗疫,才能打赢这场没有硝烟的战争。这次在成都主办的“同舟共济”“中欧抗疫绘画作品邀请展”反映了作为文艺工作者的他们,拿起手中的画笔,用艺术的形式,去记录这场抗疫战役的各种场面。歌颂医务工作者和参与抗疫的各界英雄人物。以生动精美的画面,鼓舞大家抗疫的斗志,同心协力,以艺驱疫,战胜新冠病毒。同时通过这次展览,也促进了中欧艺术家携手抗疫的艺术交流。” 姚叶红 Yao Yehong 中国美术家协会会员,四川省人民政府文史研究馆馆员,四川省美术家协会副主席,成都市文联副主席,成都市美术家协会主席。 “中欧友谊源远流长,中欧班列按时发车。缘于对当前疫情的深切关注,成都市美术家协会携手四川宗德文化艺术有限责任公司,并通过“有山在线"共同举办了这次“同舟共济中欧绘画作品邀请展"中欧33位优秀艺术家用78幅油画、水墨、速写、漫画表达对风月同天、大爱无疆、共克时艰的感同身受、守望相助、家国情怀。旨在为中欧携手战胜疫情尽一点心意,为中欧文化艺术深度交流出一份力量。在此,我代表成都市文联、成都市美协祝展览圆满成功!” 吉拉尔多.罗.卢梭 画家,艺术家,雕塑家,设计师,作家,曾任罗马美术学院院长,北京奥林匹克运动会艺术委员会委员,俄罗斯圣彼德堡美术学院名誉院士,“Villa Dei Romani”美术学院院长。 “新冠病毒虽然可怕,但是依据中国的成功经验,它是可以被战胜的。也正是因为这一次疫情,见证了中国与意大利的友谊,让我们共同期待,一起过去之后,中意携手,在艺术上碰撞更多的火花。” 艺术家、漫画家和文字创作者,香港理工大学设计荣誉学士及哲学硕士,创办跨领域艺术创作平台“BuddyBlue应霁的蓝朋友”。 “疫情当前,反思艺术创作的真正价值和意义,继续努力不懈的探索实践,是艺术家在自己岗位上的天职。” 欧洲艺术家 |European Artists: 吉拉尔多.罗.卢梭 Gerardo Lo Russo 画家,艺术家,雕塑家,设计师,作家,曾任罗马美术学院院长,北京奥林匹克运动会艺术委员会委员,俄罗斯圣彼德堡美术学院名誉院士,“Villa Dei Romani”美术学院院长。 Painter, artist, sculptor, designer, writer, former president of Rome Academy of fine arts, member of Beijing Olympic Games Art Committee, honorary academician of Saint Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts in Russia, and President of villa Dei Romani Academy of fine arts. 《用创造力驱除病毒》布面油画 吉拉尔多.罗.卢梭 2020 “Esorcizzare il virus con la creatività” Oil on canvas Gerardo lo Russo 2020 柯恺乐 Ga l de Kerguenec 法国知名艺术家,曾任法语联盟大连主任、四川外国语大学法语硕士评审委员会主席,现任法语联盟印度主任,擅长当代水墨。 Famous French artist, former director of the French Alliance in Dalian, chairman of the evaluation committee of the French master of Sichuan Foreign Studies University, now director of the French Alliance in India, focus on contemporary ink. 《黎明前》72x68cm 纸本水墨 柯凯乐 2020 "Before dawn" 72x68cm ink on paper Ga?l de Kerguenec 2020 阿门.格沃彦 Armen Gevorgyan 出生于葉里温,亚美尼亚共和国,读于亚美尼亚葉里温艺术学院专攻美术和美术教育,并于德国鲁尔威腾师范学院攻读哲学和神学,曾任专职艺术家,德国驻亚玛丽亚葉里温大使馆,经济和文化部参赞。 Born in Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, studied art and art education in Yerevan College of art, Armenia, and philosophy and Theology in rulweaton normal college, Germany. He was a full-time artist, and counsellor of the Ministry of economy and culture of German Embassy in Yerevan. 《上午》78.5x50cm 布面油画 阿门.格沃彦 “Morninge”78.5x50cm Oil on canvas Armen Gevorgyan 《你的挑战》 74x50cm 布面油画 阿门.格沃彦 “Your challenge”74x50cm Oil on canvas Armen Gevorgyan 《振作起来》 70X55cm 布面油画 阿门.格沃彦 “Take heart” 70X55cm Oil on canvas Armen Gevorgyan 阿提拉·珂纽Attila Konnyu 匈牙利知名艺术家,国际知名导演,近期其与川剧名家沈铁梅女士共同寻访中国民俗文化的纪录片将在央视播出,在新冠肺炎爆发初期,阿提拉还通过央视CCTV频道,向中国人民送来了美好的祝愿,为中国打气,为武汉加油。 Well-known Hungarian artist and international director. Recently, his documentary film, together with Ms. Shen Tiemei, a famous Sichuan dramatist, seeking for Chinese folk culture, will be broadcast on CCTV. Novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak, China's Attila also sent a good wish to the Chinese people through the CCTV CCTV channel. 《爱》 127×122cm 布面油画 阿提拉·珂纽 “Love”127X122cm Oil on canvas Attila Konnyu 安东尼奥.威利 Antonio Wehrli 瑞士知名艺术家, 旅居成都,先后以熊猫、九寨沟等内容进行创作,曾随重庆市长代表团赴瑞士举办展览,推广外国人眼中的中国。 Famous Swiss artist, living in Chengdu, has created with panda, Jiuzhaigou and other contents. He once went to Switzerland with Chongqing mayor's delegation to hold exhibitions to promote China in the eyes of foreigners. 《荷花17》 40x40cm 丙烯油画 安东尼奥.威利 “Lotus 17 ”40x40cm acrylic and oil painting Antonio Wehrli 中国艺术家 | Chinese Artists: 香港艺术家 | Hong Kong Artist: 欧阳应霁 Auyeung Ying Chai 艺术家、漫画家和文字创作者,是香港理工大学设计荣誉学士及哲学硕士,并创办跨领域艺术创作平台“BuddyBlue应霁的蓝朋友”。 Artists, cartoonists and text creators are honorary Bachelor of design and master of philosophy of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and create the platform of "BuddyBlue". 《公筷》50x50cm 漫画 欧阳应霁 2020 “Serving chopsticks” 50x50cm artoon Auyeung Ying Chai 2020 重庆艺术家 | Chongqing Artists: 庞茂琨 Pang Maokun 中国美术家协会副主席、四川美术学院院长、重庆文联副主席、重庆美术家协会主席。 Vice chairman of China Artists Association, President of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, vice chairman of Chongqing Federation of literary and art circles and chairman of Chongqing Artists Association. 《天使》纸上铅笔速写28·5x20cm 庞茂琨 2020 "Angel" pencil sketch on paper 28.5x20cm Pang Maokun 2020 《天职》36x26cm 水彩 庞茂琨 Vocation 36x26cm watercolor Pang Maokun 侯宝川 Hou Baochuan 中国美术家协会会员、重庆市美术家协会副主席、重庆市油画学会副会长。 Member of China Artists Association, vice chairman of Chongqing Artists Association, vice chairman of Chongqing oil painting society. 《牧归图》40x60cm 纸本油画棒 侯宝川 "The painting of returning to the herds" 40x60cm oil painting stick on paper Hou Baochuan 《春天还会远吗》40x60cm 纸本油画棒 侯宝川 "Spring is coming." 40x60cm oil painting stick on paper Hou Baochuan 翁凯旋 Weng Kaixuan 中国美术家协会会员,中国油画学会理事,重庆市油画学会会长,四川美术学院教授。 Member of China Artists Association, director of China oil painting society, President of Chongqing oil painting society, Professor of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. 《静待远航》 80x60cm 布面油画 翁凯旋 “Waiting for a long voyage” 80x60cm oil painting on canvas Weng Kaixuan 《决战前夜-记火神山医院建设》布面油画 翁凯旋 刘影 2020 "Night before - the construction of huoshenshan hospital" oil on Canvas / Weng Kaixuan, Liu Ying / 2020 刘影 Liu Ying 毕业于四川美术学院,获文学学士学位及油画系获得硕士学位。现为重庆科技学院教师,其作品《鼓浪屿小洋楼》(布面油彩)被“中华儿女美术馆”收藏(厦门)。 Graduated from Sichuan Academy of fine arts with a Bachelor of Arts degree a master's degree in oil painting. At present, he is a teacher of Chongqing University of science and technology, and his work "Gulangyu small villa" (cloth and oil paint) is collected by the "Chinese people's Art Museum" (Xiamen). 张春新 Zhang Chunxin 中国美术家协会会员、重庆大学艺术学院二级教授,博士,硕士生导师,四川美术学院硕士生导师。 Member of China Artists Association, second-class professor of Art College of Chongqing University, Master's tutor, and Master's tutor of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. 《女儿的苹果》138x68cm 国画 张春新 2020 "Daughter's apple"30x30cm traditional Chinese painting Zhang Chunxin 2020 《抗疫速写系列11 》17x25cm 速写 张春新 2020 "Anti epidemic sketch Series 11"17x25cm sketch Zhang Chunxin 2020 《抗疫1 》30x30cm 国画 张春新 2020 "Anti epidemic 1"30x30cm traditional Chinese painting Zhang Chunxin 2020 《抗疫2》30x30cm 国画 张春新 2020 "Anti epidemic 2"30x30cm traditional Chinese painting Zhang Chunxin 2020 《抗疫3》30x30cm 国画 张春新 2020 "Anti epidemic 3"30x30cm traditional Chinese painting Zhang Chunxin 2020 《抗疫4》30x30cm 国画 张春新 2020 "Anti epidemic4 "30x30cm traditional Chinese painting Zhang Chunxin 2020 《抗疫5 》30x30cm 国画 张春新 2020 "Anti epidemic 5"30x30cm traditional Chinese painting Zhang Chunxin 2020 杨涪林 Yang Fulin 中央文史馆书画院研究员,重庆市美协荣誉理事,重庆九龙坡区文联副主席、美术家协会主席,重庆市民盟画院副院长. Researcher of calligraphy and Painting Institute of the Central Research Institute of literature and history, honorary director of Chongqing Art Association, vice chairman of the literature and Art Federation of Jiulongpo District, chairman of the Artists Association, vice president of the Painting Institute of Chongqing Democratic League. 《日以继夜》 35x32cm 速写 杨涪林 2020 "Day and Night"35x32cm sketch Yang Fulin 2020 《与死神赛跑的人》 35x32cm 速写 杨涪林 2020 "The race with death" 35x32cm sketch Yang Fulin 2020 《感恩您》 35x32cm 速写 杨涪林 2020 "Thank you" 35x32cm sketch Yang Fulin 2020 《抗疫速写-无题1》 35x32cm 速写 杨涪林 2020 "Anti epidemic Untitled 1"35x32cm sketch Yang Fulin 2020 《别样的美》 35x32cm 速写 杨涪林 2020 "Different beauty"35x32cm sketch Yang Fulin 2020 《抗疫速写-无题2》 35x32cm 速写 杨涪林 2020 "Anti epidemic Untitled 2"35x32cm sketch Yang Fulin 2020 《抗疫速写-无题3》 35x32cm 速写 杨涪林 2020 "Anti epidemic Untitled 3"35x32cm sketch Yang Fulin 2020 四川艺术家 | Sichuan Artists: 梁时民 Liang Shimin 中国美术家协会理事、四川省美术家协会主席、中国美术家协会策展委员会委员、中央文史研究馆书画院研究员。 Director of China Artists Association, chairman of Sichuan Artists Association, member of exhibition planning committee of China Artists Association, researcher of calligraphy and Painting Institute of the Central Research Institute of literature and history. 《钟馗降魔图》 138x68cm 国画 梁时民 “Zhong Kui subdues the devil” 138x68cm traditional Chinese painting Liang Shimin 《素秋》 40x40cm 国画 梁时民 “Plain autumn” 40x40cm traditional Chinese painting Liang Shimin 杨梁相 Yang Liangxiang 四川省美术家协会副主席兼秘书长,中国美术家协会会员,中国书法家协会会员。Vice chairman and Secretary General of Sichuan Artists Association,member of China Artists Association, member of China Calligrapher Association. 《一帆风顺》 59x36cm 国画 杨梁相 "Everything is going smoothly" 59x36cm traditional Chinese painting Yang Liangxiang 刘正兴 Liu Zhengxing 中国美术家协会第八届理事,四川省美术家协会顾问,成都市美术家协会名誉主席,九三学社中央文化工作委员会委员。 Director of Eighth China Artists Association, Consultant of Sichuan Artists Association, honorary chairman of Chengdu Artists Association, member of the Central Cultural Work Committee of Jiu San Society. 《故里山川 》100x52cm 国画 刘正兴 “Hometown of mountains and rivers” 100x52cm traditional Chinese painting Liu Zhengxing 王吉祥 Wang Jixiang 四川省美术家协会理事,成都市文联党组成员、副主席。 Director of Sichuan Artists Association, member of Party group and vice chairman of Chengdu Federation of literary and art circles. 《硕果累累》68x68cm 国画 王吉祥 "Fruitful" 68x68cm traditional Chinese painting Wang Jixiang 姚叶红 Yao Yehong 中国美术家协会会员、四川省人民政府文史研究馆馆员,四川省美术家协会副主席、成都市文联副主席、成都市美术家协会主席。Member of China Artists Association, member of the literature and History Research Institute of Sichuan Provincial People's government, vice chairman of Sichuan Artists Association, vice chairman of Chengdu Federation of literature and art, chairman of Chengdu Artists Association. “Outside the world of rivers ”68x68cm traditional Chinese painting Yao Yehong 李青稞 Li Qingke 中国美术家协会会员、四川省美术家协会副主席,成都画院副院长。 Member of China Artists Association, vice chairman of Sichuan Artists Association and vice president of Chengdu Painting Academy. 《细无声》35x35cm 国画 李青稞 "Silent" 35x35cm traditional Chinese painting Li Qingke 张国平 Zhang Guoping 中国美术家协会理事,中国油画学会理事,四川省美术家协会副主席,成都文理学院艺术学院院长。 Director of China Artists Association, director of China oil painting society, and Dean of Art College of Chengdu University of Arts and Sciences. 《春乡叠翠》 60x80cm 油画 张国平 "Spring and green" 60x80cm oil painting Zhang Guoping 《秋意浓》 60x80cm 油画 张国平 "Autumn" 60x80cm oil painting Zhang Guoping 张国忠 Zhang Guozhong 中国美术家协会会员,中国油画学会理事,四川省美术家协会油画艺术委员会主任,四川省政协书画研究院副院长。 Member of China Artists Association, director of China Oil Painting Association, director of oil painting art committee of Sichuan Artists Association, and vice president of Sichuan CPPCC calligraphy and Painting Research Institute. 《时间就是生命 》40x50cm 国画 张国忠 “Time is life ”40x50cm traditional Chinese painting Zhang Guozhong 武海成 Wu Haicheng 四川省美术家协会顾问,版画艺委会主任,神州版画博物馆副馆长,国家版展金奖,<鲁迅版画奖〉获得者。 Consultant of Sichuan Artists Association, director of printmaking art committee, deputy curator of Shenzhou printmaking Museum, Gold medal of national printmaking exhibition, winner of < Lu Xun print award >. 《庚子元宵夜》 40x50cm 国画 武海成 "Gengzi Lantern night" 40x50cm traditional Chinese painting Wu Haicheng 邝明惠 Kuang Minghui 中国美术家协会会员、四川省美术家协会副主席。 Member of China Artists Association, vice chairman of Sichuan Artists Association. 《魏瑞雪护士》 30x38cm 国画 邝明惠 "Nurse Wei Ruixue" 30x38cm traditional Chinese painting Kuang Minghui 罗 徕 Luo Lai 成都大学中国-东盟艺术学院副院长,美术与设计学院院长、四川省政协委员,中国美术家协会会员,中国工艺美术学会理事,成都市美术家协会副主席,成都致公画院院长。 Vice president of China ASEAN art college, Dean of art and Design College of Chengdu University, member of Sichuan CPPCC, member of China Artists Association, director of China Arts and Crafts Society, vice chairman of Chengdu Artists Association and President of Chengdu Zhigong Painting Academy. 《气象万千-分享阳光》 60x80cm 国画 罗徕 "Share the sunshine" 60x80cm traditional Chinese painting Luo Lai 李晖 Li Hui 中国美术家协会会员,成都画院美术馆馆长,成都市美术家协会副主席,四川省美协理事。 Member of China Artists Association,curator of art museum of Chengdu Academy of painting, vice chairman of Chengdu Artists Association and director of Sichuan Artists Association. 《速建雷神》 45x34cm 国画 李 晖 "Quick construction of Leishen" 45x34cm traditional Chinese painting Li Hui 钱 磊 Qian Lei 中国美术家协会会员,成都市美术家协会副主席,四川省美术家协会理事。 Member of China Artists Association, vice chairman of Chengdu Artists Association and director of Sichuan Artists Association. 《温馨家园1》70x46.5cm 国画 钱磊 "Warm home 1" 70x46.5cm traditional Chinese painting Qian Lei 《温馨家园2》70x46.5cm 国画 钱磊 "Warm home 2" 70x46.5cm traditional Chinese painting Qian Lei 《温馨家园3》70x46.5cm 国画 钱磊 "Warm home 3" 70x46.5cm traditional Chinese painting Qian Lei 陈志才 Chen Zhicai 中国美术家协会会员,成都市美协副主席,四川省美协理事兼中国画艺委会委员。 Member of China Artists Association, vice chairman of Chengdu Artists Association, director of Sichuan Artists Association and member of Chinese painting and Art Commission. 《坚决扫除一切病毒》138x34cm 国画 陈志才 "Eliminate all viruses" 138x34cm traditional Chinese painting Chen Zhicai 熊 明 Xiong Ming 中国美术家协会会员,成都市美术家协会副主席,四川省美术家协会理事,山水画艺委会委员。 Member of China Artists Association, vice chairman of Chengdu Artists Association, director of Sichuan Artists Association and member of Chinese painting and Art Commission. 《萝峰晴云》 34x68cm 国画 熊明 “Luofeng clear cloud” 34x68cm traditional Chinese painting Xiong Ming 吴晓毅 Wu Xiaoyi 中国美术家协会会员,四川省美协花鸟画专业委员会秘书长,四川省中国画会理事,成都市美术家协会副主席。 Member of China Artists Association, secretary-general of flower and bird painting committee of Sichuan Artists Association, director of Sichuan Chinese Painting Association, and vice chairman of Chengdu Artists Association. 《黄山初雪》35x43cm 国画 吴晓毅 “Huangshan snow” 35x43cm traditional Chinese painting Wu Xiaoyi 吴晓东 Wu Xiaodong 中国美术家协会会员,成都市美术家协会副主席,四川省美术家协会理事,四川省艺术院院长助理。 Member of China Artists Association, vice chairman of Chengdu Artists Association, director of Sichuan Artists Association, assistant president of Sichuan Academy of art. 《雅室华章》 55x55cm 国画 吴晓东 “Gorgeous chapter in room” 55x55cm traditional Chinese painting Wu Xiaodong 叶莹 Ye Ying 中国美术家协会会员、中国文艺评论家协会会员、成都市美术家协会副主席、四川省美术家协会理事。 Member of China Artists Association, member of China Literary Critics Association, vice chairman of Chengdu Artists Association, director of Sichuan Artists Association. 《愿》 58x65cm 国画 叶 莹 “Wish”58x65cm traditional Chinese painting Ye Ying 杨志立 Yang Zhili 四川省新联会书画院院长,中国汉画学会会员,中国文物学会会员,成都市美术家协会副主席。President of calligraphy and Painting Institute of The Association of Intellectuals Outside the Party from the New Stratum of Sichuan, member of Chinese painting society, vice chairman of Chengdu Artists Association. 《竹报平安》 91x30cm 国画 杨志立 "Bamboo for peace" 91x30cm traditional Chinese painting Yang Zhili 陈荣 Chen Rong 中国文艺评论家协会会员、四川省美术家协会理事、四川省美术家协会人物画专委会副秘书长、成都市美术家协会副主席、成都市文艺评论家协会副主席。 Member of China Literary Critics Association, director of Sichuan Artists Association, Deputy Secretary General of Sichuan Artists Association figure painting special committee, vice chairman of Chengdu Artists Association and vice chairman of Chengdu literary critics association. 《“战疫”--致敬最可爱的人 军旅篇》 28x73cm 国画 陈荣 2020 "Anti epidemic the most lovely person Soldiers "28x73cm traditional Chinese painting Chen Rong 2020 《“战疫”--致敬最可爱的人 天使篇》 28x73cm 国画 陈荣 2020 "Anti epidemic the most lovely person Angel "28x73cm traditional Chinese painting Chen Rong 2020 《“战疫”--致敬最可爱的人 警察篇》 28x73cm 国画 陈荣 2020 "Anti epidemic the most lovely person Policemen "28x73cm traditional Chinese painting Chen Rong 2020 《“战疫”--致敬最可爱的人 快递篇》 28x73cm 国画 陈荣 2020 "Anti epidemic the most lovely person Expressmen "28x73cm traditional Chinese painting Chen Rong 2020 陈 江 Chen Jiang 成都市美术家协会副主席、蜀都书画院副院长、中国美术家协会会员、四川省美术家协会理事。 Vice chairman of Chengdu Artists Association, vice president of Shudu calligraphy and Painting Institute, member of China Artists Association and director of Sichuan Artists Association. 《爱心》速写 48X48cm 陈江 2020 “Love”L Sketch 48X48cm Chen Jiang 2020 《给您点赞》速写/ 68x34cm/ 陈江/ 2020 “like”Sketch/ 68x34cm/ Chen Jiang/2020 《上网课的孩子们》速写 12cmX12cmX16 陈江 2020 “Kids in online classes”L Sketch 12cmX12cmX16 Chen Jiang 2020 《自信》速写 20X48cm 陈江 2020 “self-confident”L Sketch 20cm×48cm Chen Jiang 2020 《妈妈回来咯》 20X20cm 油画陈江 2020 “Mom's back” 20X20cm Oil on canvas Chen Jiang 2020 钟永平 Zhong Yongping 成都市美术家协会理事,成都市青羊区美术家协会主席。 Director of Chengdu Artists Association, chairman of Chengdu Qingyang Artists Association. 《等待》 120x80cm 油画 钟永平 “Waiting” 120x80cm oil painting Zhong Yongping 展览结语 在病毒肆虐世界的今天,生存,是全人类面对的问题。在全世界人民共同抗疫的非常时刻,成渝两地艺术家携手来中国香港、德国、匈牙利、瑞士、法国等地的艺术家用艺术的形式抗疫,表达了中国人民与世界人民一起战胜病毒的信心和决心,体现了共建人类命运共同体的大爱精神。 在文殊坊清末德国领事馆领事居住地举办的“‘同舟共济'一一中欧抗疫绘画作品邀请展”,是一次水平较高的学术展览,是成都艺术界的大事情,也是成渝两地及中欧艺术交流的大事情,必将被载入史册。 我们祈福:天佑中华!世界和平!人民无恙! 展览学术主持 陈荣 于云水居 |