艺改所 将在五月五日下午三点开幕艺术家武净雨的个人展览《匆匆》,展览将呈现艺术家近年来创作的纸本作品。她痴迷于将日常杂景、白日痴梦展刻在方寸之间。白色的纸面呈现出一种日常拍立得的即视感,真挚而诚恳。 在逃去如飞的日子里,在千门万户的世界里的我能做些什么呢?只有徘徊罢了,只有匆匆罢了。 ————朱自清《匆匆》 白天与夜晚的明或暗;时间的流逝如细雨拂身。物质媒介就像致幻剂,交替在不同的空间与感知中。 在武净雨的作品里,人生在世三万天,即使是千篇一律的重复,但见小知微依旧能获得三万天的新鲜。 燕子去了,杨柳枯了,桃花谢了···所有的一去不复返都在匆匆的流逝中变成被物化的情感。 美梦中沉醉,噩梦中惊醒;日升月落、草木枯荣,生命的瓜熟蒂落在声色犬马的人世间——匆匆地匆匆。 作品中所捕捉的画面是日常的静帧,她在一种松弛的观察状态下用一种近乎原始记录的方式刻画,用“////”这样简单的短促线条描述一切正在进行着的流逝感。 “世代像尘寰般年月飞逝,年月就像分秒般飞掠。” “日月为百代之过客,来而往复者亦属旅人。” 她的作品里,被刻画记录的感知皆呈现出了一种细节化的体验——微妙而敏感的觉知力。 日落时分的彩霞,打盹被惊醒的猫,针尖上蒸发的水滴,风吹散的薄雾··· 去的尽管去了,来的尽管来着。 在匆匆的来去之间,她不紧不慢的享受着一种自如的从容。 —— 策展人 周囱囱 部分参展作品: “兰花 ” 纸本铅笔 “Orchid ” Pencil on paper 26x18cm 2018 "深夜” 纸本色粉 “Deep of the night ” Mineral pigments on paper 32x41cm 2018 "霉草莓" 纸本铅笔 “Moldy strawberries” Pencil on paper 21x12cm 2019 “午后” 纸本色粉 “Afternoon” Mineral pigments on paper 32x41cm 2018 ART LABOR CAMP x Jingyu Wu Solo Exhibition :CONG CONG In May 5th, ART LABOR CAMP will debut Jingyu’s solo exhibition entitled ‘Cong Cong’, featuring her recent paper paintings.By employing the enthusiastical painting technique on the white paper, the artist compacts the normal life and unrealistic idea into a small space, just like Polaroid photograph. Wandering and wobbling, the light or the dark of day and night; the passage of time is like a drizzle on the body. In Jingyu's work, people live 30,000 days in the world, even if there are a thousand repetitions, you can still get the novelty of these 30,000 days from various tiny details. The swallow flies away, the willow withers, and the peach blossoms fade …All of them are gone forever, become a materialized emotion in the rush of passing. Falling in a beautiful dream, disturbed by a nightmare. Time flies, the fruits of life are ripening, falling in the noise of the city. The drawing captures the still frames of everyday life. She is in a state of relaxed observation, painting in an almost primitive way. With simple, short lines, she depicts the sense that everything is passing by. “Generations pass away like dust, and years pass by like seconds.” “The months and days are the travelers of eternity. The years that come and go are also voyagers.” In her works, the recorded sensations present a detailed experience - a subtle and sensitive awareness. The colorful haze at sunset is the cat that was awakened from its nap, a drop of water evaporated on the tip of a needle, a mist blown away by the wind… Those who went have gone, and those who came have come. In the moment of haste, she enjoys pleasant ease. —— Curator:CongCong Zhou 关于艺术家 武净雨 ,生于沈阳; 毕业于西南交通大学 ,现工作生活于北京。 展览经历: 2019 “ART CHENGDU 艺术博览会” 三位艺术 四川 2018 “裂变的流徙|40 x Junge Kunst aus China” 德国中⻘年艺术家发展基金联展 柏林 2017 “夏夜微⻛- 武净雨个展” PIL公共形象公司 北京 2013 “包装箱计划” 造空间 北京 2011 “英国制造”之“四川制造”绘画展 四川省博物馆 四川 |